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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação

Área do conteúdo



PPGCI/UFC has PROAP worth R$20,000 reais per year, this amount was used this year for five professors to go to ENANCIB – National Meeting of Research and Postgraduate Studies in Information Science, which took place in the city of Vitória-ES. With this amount, tickets were purchased and daily payments were made, both by PRPPG using this resource. Participating in the ANCIB coordinators’ forum were Coordinator Maria Giovanna Guedes Farias and Deputy Coordinator Lidia Eugenia Cavalcante. The other teachers attended ENANCIB presenting their work, namely: Maria Aurea Montenegro Albuquerque Guerra, Gabriela Belmont Farias and Luiz Tadeu Feitosa.

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