About the Professors
The following data was taken directly from the plataforma lattes.
Line 1 – Information, organization, communication, and technology
Andréa Soares Rocha da Silva (permanent) Experience in research in the field of Distance Education, Educational Technology in Health, and Health Informatics, focusing primarily on the following themes: distance education, evaluation, educational technology, information systems, software, health informatics, and databases. |
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Cayley Guimarães (permanent) Researches Design and Deaf Studies (inclusion, citizenship, education etc.). Researches Prospective Design: DEI. Professor at PPGCI – graduate program in Information Science – researching information use and users (Information, organization, communication and technology). |
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Jonathas Luiz Carvalho Silva (pemanente) Works on the theoretical foundations of Library Science, Information Science, and Information; post-truth, disinformation, and fake news; information mediation and user study; school, community, and public libraries; professional performance, ethics, and information policy; public policies for culture, education, and information (PPCEI). |
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Heliomar Cavati Sobrinho (permanent) Experience in the field of Information Science, with emphasis on Organization and Representation of Information, Documentary Language, and Classification. |
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Maria Giovanna Guedes Farias (permanent) Currently researching the themes of scientific communication and dissemination, popularization of science, scientific publishing and scientific observatories. |
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Osvaldo de Souza (permanent) Engaged in the areas of Information Science and Computer Science, as well as Teleinformatics Engineering, focusing primarily on topics associated with Knowledge Representation, Natural Language Processing, Assistive Technologies, Artificial Neural Networks, Pattern Recognition, and Data Compression, and Computer Vision. |
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Priscila Barros David (permanent) Conducts interdisciplinary research that brings together the fields of Education, Psychology, Linguistics, Technologies, and Information Science. The research investigates the establishment of contingent interactions in distance education processes, as well as the development of digital content for Education from a dialogical and critical perspective. |
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Line 2 – Information, society, and culture
Antônio Wagner Chacon Silva (collaborator) Experience in the fields of Librarianship and Education, with an emphasis on Cognition and Language, primarily working on the following topics: Information Science, education, cognition and language, planning, and administration of information centers. |
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Gabriela Belmont de Farias (permanent) Engages in Information Science activities related to teaching, research, and extension, with emphasis on the following topics: information and media literacy, misinformation, information management, practice and teaching in Librarianship, and dissemination of scientific and technological information. |
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Jefferson Veras Nunes (permanent) Experience in topics related to: teaching and learning processes; user studies; information practices; mediation; studies on memory and heritage; information policy and regime; and historical and epistemological aspects of Information Science. |
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Lidia Eugenia Cavalcante (permanent) Experience in the field of Information Science, primarily working on the following themes: information and reading mediation, social technology and local development, social memory and heritage, information literacy, collaborative learning, distance education, and social innovation. |
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Luiz Tadeu Feitosa (permanent) Experience in the areas of Information Science and Social Communication, mainly in the following subjects: Information Science – Theories and Epistemology of Information Sciences; Librarianship; Communication – Theories and Epistemology of Communication, Cultural Studies applied to information and communication mediation. Also researches Semiotics, Semiotics of Culture and of the Media. Advertising, Journalism, Popular Culture. Works on postgraduate courses in Communication and Information Science, with academic guidance in both areas. Supervises work in the fields of sociology of media and information; semiotics of media and culture. |
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Maria Áurea Montenegro Albuquerque Guerra (permanent) Conducts research and has interests in the areas of University Libraries, Information Management, Knowledge Management, and Evaluation of Teaching and Learning. |
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Maria de Fátima Oliveira Costa (permanent) Experience in the field of Information Science, with an emphasis on INFORMATION AND SOCIETY, working in information environments, mainly on the following topics: user studies, information users as informational subjects, research, information, librarianship teaching; school libraries, public and community libraries; as well as university libraries, information competence and mediation. |
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Thiciane Mary Carvalho Teixeira (collaborator) Researchs on the following topics: information management, information literacy, organizational competitive intelligence, entrepreneurship and knowledge management. |
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