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Portal da UFC Acesso a informação da UFC Ouvidoria Conteúdo disponível em: PortuguêsEnglishEspañol

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação

Área do conteúdo

Current research projects

Line 1 – Representation of Information and Knowledge and Technology

Andréa Soares Rocha da Silva


  • Telemonitoring in practical classes: teaching strategies and functional requirements for the development and application of support software


  • Development and Validation of a Pocket Guide about online distance learning and its tools in mobile application format

2017 – Current

  • Adverse events of Psychotropics in children in Primary Health Care and Psychosocial Care: Signs, Meanings and Management Practices to promote Health related to Safety

Cayley Guimarães

2024 – Current

  • Prospecting human aspects and relational qualities in Information Structures and information behavior in Digital Culture – Study of uses and users to transform unwanted situations into a more human future
  • Competence and Mediation Research Group in Information Environments (CMAI/UFC)

2022 – Current

  • Prospective Design

2015 – Current

  • MAIC Research Group Competence and Mediation in Information Environments
  • CMAI Competence and mediation in information environments
  • Competence and mediation in information environments

Jonathas Luiz Carvalho Silva

2022 – Current

  • Post-Truth, Disinformation and Fake News: theoretical-conceptual and applied foundations

Heliomar Cavati Sobrinho

2014 – Current

  • The technological innovation of the integrated methodological model for the construction of documentary languages, applied in the student training of the Library Science course at the Federal University of Ceará
  • Research Group: Information Representation

Maria Giovanna Guedes Farias

2023 – Current

  • Dissemination and popularization of scientific knowledge
  • Public perception of science: an analysis of the UFC Scientific Observatory

2022 – Current

  • Observatory for the dissemination and popularization of science

Osvaldo de Souza

2015 – Current

  • Implications of Information Architecture on cognitive effort in the use of Information Retrieval Systems

2010 – Current

  • Unorthodox Data Recovery

2008 – Current

  • Research and Development of assistive applications

Priscila Barros David

2023 – Current

  • Beyond screen time: an enlightening study on the use of digital technologies in early childhood and a scientific and guiding response to society

2022 – Current

  • Evaluation of Remote Teaching in Early Childhood Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: an Ethnographic Study from the perspective of Families and Future Perspectives


Line 2 – Mediation, Management and Communication of Information and Knowledge

Antônio Wagner Chacon Silva

2022 – Current

  • Subject, Affect and Information

Gabriela Belmont de Farias

2023 – Current

  • Communication and Dissemination of Science: analysis of the infocommunication skills of research groups in Ceará

2022 – Current

  • Information and Media Skills of UFC Research Groups

Jefferson Veras Nunes

2023 – Current

  • Practices and discourses in social media: an approach based on the Actor-Network Theory

Lidia Eugenia Cavalcante

2023 – Current

  • Document, memory, and information: the collection of Maria da Conceição de Sousa and the history of Librarianship in Ceará
  • Institutional memory and documentary heritage: paths taken for higher education in Ceará through personal collections
  • Written culture and materiality: documents for the construction of the memory of art present in the collection of the Floriano Teixeira Library of the UFC Museum of Arts (MAUC)

Luiz Tadeu Feitosa

2023 – Current

  • Culture and Media Seminars – 25 years – PIBIC PROJECT 2023-2024 continuity

Maria Aurea Montenegro Albuquerque Guerra

2023 – Current

  • Institutional memory and documentary heritage: paths taken for higher education in Ceará through personal collections funding public notice Pró-Humanidades FUNCAP
  • Document, memory and information: the collection of Maria da Conceição de Sousa and the History of Librarianship in Ceará financing of the CNPQ Universal Call 10/2023

2021 – Current

  • Information and Knowledge Management in Educational Environments

Maria de Fátima Oliveira Costa

2023 – Current

  • The contributions of Information Science in Ceará to Brazilian Postgraduate Studies 2013 – part 2
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